Womanist Bible Talk: A Podcast for Womanish Bible Readers and Friends
“Womanist Bible Talk: A Podcast for Womanish Bible Readers and Friends” engages stories about women in Scripture from the perspectives of contemporary Black and other women of color from different walks of life and various socio-economic backgrounds. Hosts, Vanessa Lovelace and Gay Byron, redeem the reputations of biblical women, such as Jezebel, Delilah, and Mary Magdalene who are often represented as “bad girls of the Bible” and introduce other women who have either been nameless or hidden behind the men in the biblical stories.
Womanist Bible Talk: A Podcast for Womanish Bible Readers and Friends
Episode 6: Acts 16, An enslaved girl named Rhoda?
Guest co-host, Dr. Mitzi Smith and I, interview Dr. Margaret Aymer to discuss her article in Womanist Interpretations of the Bible, “Outrageous, Audacious, Courageous, Willful: Reading the Enslaved Girl of Acts 12.” Dr. Aymer discusses the intersection of race/ethnicity, gender, immigration and slavery in the ancient world. Dr. Aymer explains what it means to "read darkness" and how "darkness readers" interpret a story live the enslaved girl, Rhoda.